By everysingleone - 16/01/2015 03:43 - United States

Today, I found out that every single picture that I have ever sent to my boyfriend, his father has also received. Every. Single. One. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 689
You deserved it 29 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's highly creepy and your boyfriend should have told you about that. If your boyfriend didn't know, I'd still be very uncomfortable around his dad.


don't you make sure of the recipient before hitting send button.

They most likely went to his dad on accident, like through icloud or other shared data deal. I highly doubt she entered both her boyfriend and his dad as the recipients.

Why would she have her boyfriend's dad as a contact? Unless they're very serious, I don't think she would

StormGirl142 24

That's disgusting. His dad seems like he's a creep, and I would feel really uncomfortable around him if I were you. Sorry he got all your private pictures.

Lesson here kids is , don't send pictures?

dakid87 10

There's always that one pervert. Talk to your boy friend to talk to his father. That's unacceptable.

How are people saying OP deserved it when it's OP's boyfriend that hás no sense of boundaries?

cryssycakesx3 22

it's not like OP's bf was like "hey dad, check this out!!" nor did he send them. it was a shared cloud I'm assuming.

duckymtz 12

Maybe the bf didn't know his dad was receiving the pictures. When I take pictures I once found them on my moms iPad because of stupid iCloud.

That was my thought when I read this. Something going on with iCloud or Apple ID. Never said the boyfriend sent them to his dad. Hopefully this is the case.

Lets hope you have been sending intimate pictures then...

Either this means something has screwed up with the sending of the pictures, a shared email address or your boyfriend is passing them on. If it's the last one, I'd be thinking that's not a relationship you want.

juturnaamo 29

Or, they're kids and the dad has his son's cell phone mirrored so he knows what his son is up to.

tehdarkness 21

Wondering if this was op's fault, a cloud thing or a pervy dad-son combo!

That's creepy, like really creepy. Honestly, I'd break up with your boyfriend and get away from him and his family. That's what I would do.

badmandilon 19

Yeah... as it is a great idea having an angry ex-boyfriend sharing your pictures not only with his dad but with the whole world after the breakup.

Before the break up, make them delete every-single-photo and watch them do so. Then break it off and get a restraining order if he's going to be the "angry ex-boyfriend." She may have implied that the pictures were intimate, but how do we know?