By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 18:42 - United States - Lebanon

Today, I found out that I am allergic to one of the preservatives that they put in aloe. I found this out after I put some on a severe sunburn I have. Not only am I sunburned, but now I am severely itchy as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 053
You deserved it 4 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sounds se-vera-ly inconvenient for you, OP.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

I'll aloe this pun to slide this time, Pleo.


That happened to a friend of mine only her reaction was so bad that her skin cracked and bled. She ended up at urgent care. Be glad yours just itches. Try oatmeal to soothe it and if its a really bad burn grated potato helps draw out the heat.

You shouldn't have got sunburn in the first place!!

caysters 12

Or you're severely itchy from the sunburn... Cuz you know, they like, do that... Try getting an aloe plant then.

Go get antihistamines, maybe some Avene cicalfate or other mildly antibacterial and soothing cream. Hydrcortisone helps against allergies too... as long as you don't have any bad reaction to it. Best to not get sunburn though - sunburn increases the chance for skin cancer A LOT, and it's the most deadly cancer and requires a giant peace of tissue taken out even when removing a small cancerous area.

jacob9610 7

Put on some tooth paste for sunburn may help

Soak in some vinegar and then put on tea tree oil.

Put some yoghurt on it, it will calm the burn and itch.

onorexveritas 23