By sos - 17/01/2011 03:59 - United States

Today, I found out that I can't pass a field sobriety test while sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 255
You deserved it 4 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrBoredGuy 1
Absocold 0

This is why I practice balance and saying the alphabet backwards.


I can see that happening in 2 cases. Someone with a sense of balance so poor it's practically vertigo, or someone is just fat and can't handle a shifted center of gravity. Given it's the America, I'd bet on fat.

Some people actually do have issues other than weight, asshole.

Breathalyzers can record from 6-24 hours, so if you drank not a long while ago they know

if you truly had nothing to drink and it was a breathalyzer test you could possibly be diabetic

I actually spent the night in jail for this reason. I have a genetic disorder that causes balence problems and they made me take my glasses off for the follow my finger test. i am not even 20/20 vision with my glasses. passed the breathalyzer, so then they assumed i was on pills. i now keep a statement from my neurologist and eye doctor in glove box.

ohmyaubrey 14

My boyfriend tried to convince me he wasnt on drugs after he failed his drug test.

I'm the same way. Who the **** can say the alphabet back wards? Bet the cops can't either

the field sobriety test was made to make you fail. the only reason it exists is to give the cop probable cause to arrest you untill another cop shows up to give you a breathalyzer test.