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By driverman12 - 04/04/2009 19:42 - United States

Today, I was driving on the freeway when I saw a car in front of me swerving across 3 lanes of traffic. Thinking he might be drunk, I dialed 911 on my phone, but I dropped it. I fished under my seat to get it, swerving, and got pulled over by highway patrol and given a field sobriety test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 182
You deserved it 31 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you're calling 911 on your cell doesn't mean you're exempt from doing something incredibly dangerous. Next time, pull over to the side of the road, call 911, and keep other people out of danger.

Haha. Oh Karma, thou art a heartless bitch.


Haha. Oh Karma, thou art a heartless bitch.

InvaderVader 0

so right! Fyl for being a Snitch

tounces7 27

A snitch? On someone who could potentially kill people? Would you rather not be a snitch, or save some family of kids from death if that a-hole ran into them?

Just because you're calling 911 on your cell doesn't mean you're exempt from doing something incredibly dangerous. Next time, pull over to the side of the road, call 911, and keep other people out of danger.

crazy_cat_lady 0

Ha ha!!! You could have pulled over and made the calll, but instead you put other people in danger! Great job!

and that is why dialling and driving is illegal in the uk.. YDI.

ZombieVampirez 24

You get fined Hella money in washington. Haha

average_girl 0

#2 is right. y would u take ur eyes of the road stupid! i dnt have a license and i kno u never take ur eyes off the road... wowww.. maybe that swerving driver had dropped his phone too! u never kno! sheesh

mabey you should learn to spell. sheesh.

#99; He/she said they don't even have a license. Which leads me to believe they're too young to be on here anyways. (:

Trying to make a phone call on the freeway in dangerous enough... but fishing under your seat too?? Um dangerous.

Hmm yes you put yourself in danger as well as others

It wasn't THAT THAT THAT bad to call while driving... you still shouldn't do it. But dam boy, getting the phone under your seat while driving... too far, too far...

thats rough.... one of the few i actually think is FML worthy

#1 makes no sense at all.. the persons not heartless..they wanted to help others. but next time, you should pull over because Im sure you can hurt people.

um...he's not calling the OP heartless. He's calling karma heartless.