By sos - 17/01/2011 03:59 - United States

Today, I found out that I can't pass a field sobriety test while sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 252
You deserved it 4 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrBoredGuy 1
Absocold 0

This is why I practice balance and saying the alphabet backwards.


cerealninja 0

Neither can I. We all tried in my physics class last year and less than half of us could. either we were drunk off our asses or those tests are friggen hard

Is there a problem ossifer? I'm not as think as you drunk I am.

I swear to drunk I'm not god. I am Sotaly Tober.

sparta98 4

I think you might have some severe drain bamage.

I still can't believe u have sobriety tests. So dumb. it's called a breathalyzer folks. to all the cops our there in America, you should try using it. Also hardly anyone can do the alphabet backwards unless they've practiced.

betseyville 6

Hey asshat, they do both the FST and the breathalyzer here in America. Dumbass.

tzb13 1

Guys, op clearly is a bad driver because she's a woman. I can't believe nobody picked up on that.

SleptWithYoMomma 0

that sucks. keep on trying and youll eventually be able to drink and drive. trust me

xXSerpentXx 0

HAHAH. Me either. Guess we're the cool crowd, lmao. -___-

Blake4477 0