By Anonymous - 19/04/2016 02:43 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a ticket for being drunk in public. I was walking a couple of blocks from the bar to my house, because I didn't want to drive drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 571
You deserved it 2 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zebra3_fml 7

Welcome to America 2016. The police don't want to help you, they just want to throw the book at you. Two decades ago, that cop would have walked you the one block to your house and told you to sleep it off.

that's the FSM's way of telling you that you should have stayed at the bar and gotten plastered


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Better to not have anything happen at all, OP did what was right.

#14 Sadly what is right, is not always legal.

No. The right thing would be either not drinking to this point outside the house or to have someone to help you get home safely.

Helldemon 32

To bad you have no clue how drunk OP was.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

#89, **** off. Let people drink. I agree that you should have someone to drive you home, but sometimes your driver gets drunk and you're ******. OP did the right thing but got ****** over in the end. Thanks for not drinking and driving though, OP. It ruins lives.

friedpwnadge 25

Better than a DUI though. Their judgement is bad and they should feel bad!

Those who down voted you never watched Futurama

How would someone get a DUI when they are not even behind the wheel?

I feel like shit and this is something I needed

That's the point. Op said he walked instead of driving, but still got in trouble. The comment is saying that at least the charge when walking is lower, so it was still a good idea to walk.

friedpwnadge 25

Wow, apparently some people on here as humorous as a box of rocks. Yes, I meant that a DUI is way worse than a public intoxication charge. I also believe that the cops showed bad judgement by enforcing a law which makes it illegal for you to choose an inexpensive alternative to dangerous drunk driving. Are we clear, now? Do I need to elaborate more?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Killing someone because you're driving drunk is a thousand times worse than being ticketed for being drunk in public. I would just really like to press into people's minds how drunk driving ruins lives of people impacted by it. I know the original comment had truth and a joke in it but DUI's are serious shit. You're lucky if you just get a DUI; you could a DUI and possibly a murder charge.

He could have drunk less, he could be drinking at home or he could have someone (at least a taxi driver) to take him home safely.

Maybe they could still win; I bet if you go to the court and challenge it the judge would see that as reasonable

I'd fight it and get it dropped. That is pretty dumb

ashyash90 8

Speeding is also against the law and people fight speeding tickets and win all the time. There is a process put in place for people to appeal tickets so that the police ,theoretically, can't become all powerful. So actually OP probably could go before a judge and try and fight the ticket.

that's the FSM's way of telling you that you should have stayed at the bar and gotten plastered

Better than having an accident with your car.

While this is true, OP is implying that he drove to the bar a couple of blocks away in the first place haha. Lazy somber, responsible drunk.

Well, we don't know what time it was when OP submitted this FML or how long after it happened did they get the idea to write it. For all we know they could have been coming from a friend's place or from work and stopped at the bar for a few drinks before going home.

Sooo better to have a public intoxication and then have a DUI? Or did you mean "than" as in a comparison?

I think we can assume what he meant smartass

Rather be a smartass then a dumbass! Oh, wait...

zebra3_fml 7

Welcome to America 2016. The police don't want to help you, they just want to throw the book at you. Two decades ago, that cop would have walked you the one block to your house and told you to sleep it off.

ScarletteEve 33

Reality is, that "some" is actually "most", but nobody talks about it. You go into that line of work to save people.

People are downvoting 34, but both 34 and 13 are right. I've known a cop who was an abusive ex-husband and ex-stepfather; I've known a different cop who was a rapist. I've known a third who was a family friend and a good person, and a fourth who might've saved my life. The profession attracts two kinds of people: power trips and heroes. The problem is that you can't tell them apart until it's too late.

Actually, my dad was arrested and taken to jail over 20 years ago for public intoxication. He did the exact same thing as OP had done. I would much rather get a ticket than spend a night in jail.

Rather risk someone's life and kill people. Makes sense.

ChristianH39 30

My dad's been a cop in NYC for 20 years. With drunk driving being the issue it is he'd be appalled to hear about someone getting a ticket for doing the responsible thing.

sempisaviour 17

No justice - no peace, right?

Two decades ago? Two decades ago the LA Rampart officers would have crippled you if you were black and drunk in public.

In 1996? Ha, I may not have been alive then but I highly doubt that was the case. Besides, my father is black, I'm sure I would have heard about racial issues of that severity by now.

gabechriswill 19

Maybe next time bring a friend so they can drive or walk with you. Sorry OP FYL

After spending money on booze, not everyone can afford a taxi... To a reasonable human not expecting a ticket, and only a few blocks from home, this should have been a good option!

BillysBurgers 5

Dude, that sucks. Hope you have a better day later.