By killmepls - 18/10/2017 14:00 - Australia - Saint Lucia
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Greece does that to me too
On the plus side, you’ll be nice and empty when you get to Greece and can stuff yourself with dolmades, spanakopita, gyros, moussaka and baklava. You’re ok talking about food, right?
I don’t really give a shit about all that, but if this guy can hook me up with some free Greek food, I’m all ears!
There are no 23-hour flights anywhere in the world...?
There are no commercial flights, but if OP chartered a plane or if, for sake of the fml, they left out the part about their flight having a small layover, then it all makes sense.
Or it's 23 hours flying time in total. OP probably doesn't want to risk eating during a layover.
IIRC the flight I took from Brisbane, Australia to LA was pretty damn close to that figure.
Sounds like motion sickness; try Bonnie.
You sound like the type of person who tries a new food, then gets a stomach ache later from something completely unrelated, but then proudly tells strangers, for the rest of your life, "but I am allergic to that!"
I assume this is your first flight. You are out here of luck for this flight but I would stop at a pharmacy or call your dr to see if something can be prescribed
you'll be fine, when I was 7 I went on a 16 hour flight to Peru and got really sick midflight. don't let the nausea intimidate you, if it controls you then you will even get more sick.
Looks like United Airlines is trying out new techniques...
I'm not a doctor, but food-poisioning could be a possible culprit here...

It seems more like you're getting nauseous from sitting next to strangers for such long periods of time. You could be allergic to other people. Consult your Introvert handbook for details.
Greece does that to me too