By Anonymous - 11/11/2009 00:28 - United States

Today, I found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be leaving for Paris with my college abstinence group for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 410
You deserved it 81 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose... you could say... that this lady... [puts on shades]....Just got screwed YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

i guess thats what you get for being a hypocrite.


I'm extremely pro-choice, so while I am a firm believer that having sex is solely your choice and the person (or people) that you do it with . . . having sex and yet being part of some abstinence group? Wow, you are totally a hypocrite.

Nice one for not sticking to the whole daft abstinence thing. Abstinence is ridiculous. The smart thing to do is just use contraception & have as much sex as you like.

AndelleRae 9

Just say it's immaculate conception. They'll make you their leader and worship the baby. :D

go_rangers 0

I should join an "abstinence for everyone else" group. But seriously, what the crap would you do abroad for a YEAR with an abstinence group?? You could just tell them that G-d got you pregnant... the abstinence only crowd might believe that one.

YDI for being in an abstinence group. Oh tell them you cought the baby on a toilet !

Tighthead420 0

YDI...get a prophylactic. That and karma bites.

Mx_Rider 6

what are you the virgin mary? no dont bitch dumbass YDI totally honey, for opening your legs. shit happens, look at you.

To be fair, OP never said she received abstinence-only education, simply that she'd joined an abstinence *group*. It's rare, but there are some people who are fully educated about sex and still choose to wait. (Although OP was clearly not one of them...) Sorry OP, but YDI. If you were going to join an abstinence group, you probably should have planned to be, well, abstinent.

"college abstinence group"?? I'm sorry, but that's just stupid. And you clearly don't even take it seriously! YDI