By Sios - 11/04/2012 15:06 - United States - Louisville

Today, I found out that my apartment complex has no rules against having charcoal grills on the porch. So did the guy who lives below me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 964
You deserved it 2 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrassKal 27

Maybe you can get some plants out there and water them whenever he is out there. And then "accidentally" spill on him.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, I hope you like the smell of smoke, and cooked meat. No, I'm kidding, that really does suck, if you leave the door open your apartment will stink. Also, that REALLY isn't the safest thing, maybe you should talk to the owners?


Hope you weren't in the apartment complex next to me, because those apartments are gone now! Idiots!

As long as (s)he isn't dumping the charcoal in an unsafe area, I really don't see the problem. Then again, I love the smell of a BBQ!

LesCDeal 6

Get a good gust of wind to blow the grill over sideways, and you've got a problem.

Wow.. People complain about everything now. Minus the fire hazard thing.. Shut your door/window

That doesn't always help. As someone who was born with weak lungs, I can tell you that the those things are awful and the smell is hard to get rid of.

hateevryone 14

Sooo im guessing that something got on him?

There are rules against it in my apartment complex but my step dad does it anyway haha

Do they have rules for over watering plants on the patio so it leaks out?

I live in a complex that allows charcoal grills, but not gas grills. Ca someone tell me how this makes sense?

linkinpark98 23

Ahh, I love the smell of burning charcoal in the morning! -.-