By Sios - 11/04/2012 15:06 - United States - Louisville

Today, I found out that my apartment complex has no rules against having charcoal grills on the porch. So did the guy who lives below me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 964
You deserved it 2 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrassKal 27

Maybe you can get some plants out there and water them whenever he is out there. And then "accidentally" spill on him.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, I hope you like the smell of smoke, and cooked meat. No, I'm kidding, that really does suck, if you leave the door open your apartment will stink. Also, that REALLY isn't the safest thing, maybe you should talk to the owners?


It's probably a city code though, u can't grill within 10 feet of any structure!

This is actually true in most city. I'd check the city ordinances and then bring it up to your apartment complex.

Seriously. We got in trouble with the fire dept once for having a grill on top of our shed.

TunechiXXL 0

44 - who in the **** grills on top of their shed?

67 the shed was up against the house and it was right next to the kitchen window. It was perfect because whoever was grilling could just reach through the kitchen window for whatever you needed for grilling. It was amazingly convenient yet unsafe according to the fire dept.

Better yet: go for some 'dumping' practice

Aren't Muslims supposed to avoid bacon?

hell u should've grabbed some beers and asked to join

knoxxx 22

Good thing you're not required to stand on your porch the entire time he's grilling or you might actually have something to complain about.

amandajlucas2015 2

Exactly.. So Wut u see some smoke big deal.. How bout put ur big boy/ girl panties on and get over it.

Smoke travels, and does smell, genius.

xStaciexLynnx 15

It's not like the neighbor is going to grill 24/7. An hour or so once or twice a week. Get over it.

If even that, most people's grills are rarely used.

LOL, if OP was a vegetarian, and all they cooked was juicy meat.

linkinpark98 23

That is why I don't understand vegetarians. Who could resist the smell of a nice juicy steak cooking on a grill?!

I know right?! Tofu doesn't look too appetizing...

Oh, I know... All that burning blood and mangled flesh from some poor, murdered animal... So very tempting. Because you know, there just isn't a single person on the planet that might actually find the smell of meat unappetizing... :/

60- you see the problem with your logic is that you think by not eating meat ur saving animals but theyre already dead... And eating meat is the natural order of thimgs... If u want proof look at the teeth in your mouth we have canine teeth... Only predators have canine teeth

lukep135 6

I dont see the problem here. The smell of charcoil Burning and smoke is up there next to gas As the best smells on earth

I'm real sorry but can someone explain this to me? OP and his downstairs neighbor both found out they can grill? whats the issue? why didn't the people who live beside him also find out? Thanks in advance to anyone who can tell me!

Plinkin 10

It means the person down stairs is using a charcoal grill and all the smoke is rising up towards OP's apartment.

Thank you! and thank you for not being a dick about it!

Plinkin 10

You're welcome. I'm not here to be a dick, just here to laugh at the OP's misfortune.

LesCDeal 6

I've seen so many apartments burn down due to charcoal grills on balconies and porches. Keep an eye on your neighbor, OP. You might also want to talk to the fire marshal and see why there isn't a rule against this. It is very unsafe.

Comet_Candy 23