By thirdwheel - 15/02/2010 18:08 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend pays my boyfriend to this day to take me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 783
You deserved it 3 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LTMcleod 0

win win, you get free food and your friend loves you!


Wow, you know, I actually thought maybe he really does care about you, but he's wanting the extra money. Never know. Dump him anyway.

Maybe you need to return the favor. Your friend needs a life and you need a real boyfriend.

dued i feel so bad for you, that is not right..

Um, why are you still going out with him?

Why would your friend do that? I don't get it

orlyescence 0

Hey, at least your best friend cares

jhowe72192 0

I'm sry but thts actually kinda funny

RedFiRE_fml 0

Damn....She's not even a good friend for doing it. The whole relationship is a lie. Does he even cacr eis she has to PAY him??? wtf.