By thirdwheel - 15/02/2010 18:08 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend pays my boyfriend to this day to take me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 783
You deserved it 3 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LTMcleod 0

win win, you get free food and your friend loves you!


aeslehc_ 0

I would say he's easily replaced, but if someone has to be paid to take you out, maybe not.

WTF happened to my comment!! There are other comments worse than mine on here all the time!....I was just saying how great that snickerdoodles guy/girl whatever "it" is

It's kinda nice that your friend would do that, but also kind of insulting.. obviously she doesn't think you can get a boyfriend who actually likes you. On the other hand, maybe that's true. Either way FYL.

brandibombastic 0

Wow, that's really messed up. What a nice "best friend" you have!

well u can't say you have a mean friend.

I don't know what to say...I am sorry this happend

ur friend is mean i guess but atleast she cares about you and probably thinks you needed a couple of dates?

perdix 29

I hope my earlier comment reappears. I put a lot of work into in and I think some people would really like it. I'll replicate it if it doesn't show up soon.

He accepts bribes to date you? That makes him a gigolo, or man-***** if you will.