By Flabbergasted - 06/02/2009 21:32 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend of two years has been having an affair with another woman. He works with me and the woman also works in the same company. She is also married and is now 6 months pregnant. They are throwing a baby shower for her on Monday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 763
You deserved it 2 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does her husband know she's having an affair with your boyfriend? I'm a vindictive bitch, but if it were me, I would be having a little chat with her hubby!

keep your head up, not every guy is a tool like him.


katalinawine 0

my bf cheated on me with a friend at work. I couldn't take the embarassement so I quit my job

My last ex-bf cheated on me with a friend of mine at work, and everybody knew, especially because it continued after I had moved on to another job. It's been over a year plus that I've spoken to him but I still receive messages saying how he loves me and wants me back (mostly drunk texts I'm assuming)...some men just never learn.

Some men are just never happy and no amount of women will cure that.

From the sounds of it, he's not worth much.

nachosbabygurl 9

u poor thing wait til she pops then kivk her ass

decidedlyvague 11

If you are dating someone it's not really an affair. He's just cheating on you. An affair is what he is having with the married woman.

I hope you have found someone better by now.

Tell her husband. Maybe you two could get together, I know it happened to Shania Twain. Her husband was cheating on her with her best friend, after the divorces she dated and married her friend's ex.