By Flabbergasted - 06/02/2009 21:32 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend of two years has been having an affair with another woman. He works with me and the woman also works in the same company. She is also married and is now 6 months pregnant. They are throwing a baby shower for her on Monday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 763
You deserved it 2 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does her husband know she's having an affair with your boyfriend? I'm a vindictive bitch, but if it were me, I would be having a little chat with her hubby!

keep your head up, not every guy is a tool like him.


Oh my god you've been sleeping with him too?

Oh hell no! Chop those shots off and put a laxative in that hoe's drink.

What an asshole. I swear, guys like that need to get neutered. #20, well said.

If the husband doesn't know it isn't his baby, tell him. Seriously, don't just look out for yourself, and don't leave him stuck with a cheating ***** for a wife.

Maestro214 0

Christ, I'm tired of people using the term tool in the wrong instance. A tool is someone who tries way too hard and it's obvious. If he was able to knock up a chick, he must being doing something right; Christ.


FYL and F the soon to be born baby's life. imagine being born out of all the drama and having to be told what to do by shitty parents.

xmarkstheheart 0

Hold on, hold on, hold on! They're non-secretively throwing a baby shower for her at her place of work??? They're not even trying to hide it from their coworkers? Either that bitch's husband is cool with his wife getting pregnant by another man, or he's gonna find out REALLY soon! FYL.

frustrated20 8

similar thing happened to me... my bf who i worked with cheated with another co-worker... she was pregnant with his baby and i had no idea.... all of my other co-workers knew... and finally one of them decided to tell me... i dumped him... both of them ended up getting fired (karma)