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By llord - 24/08/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I found out that my engagement ring was actually my husband's ex-fiancée's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 663
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tbh I dont see a problem. Clearly that ring was quite expensive so there was no point losing all that cash just to go buy another expensive ring. Plus he must really like it to give it to you and actually marry you.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10


Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

Maybe he's putting the money for buying you one towards something extravagant and awesome. Jk, he's a ******* loser.

enonymous 8

I wouldn't. It's a family tradition, in my family, to pass on one gf's ring to another and for that same ring to be Gold-thought-about-plating-but-really-is-gold-painted and have a cz encrusted Kazoo on top. At least that's what I tell them...

He's doing nothing wrong. He's just saving money...

Maybe he would buy you more if you didn't judge him because he might be low on cash.

If I was a chick, I'd totally not give a shit. Why do we need objects to show love?

I agree. A lot of girls just feel entitled and thar they need the best of everything. Rather than be happy she has someone who loves her, she chooses to focus on the material symbol of that love.

Randuhh_17 4

Why does he have to save cash to get her a new one? Go to the jewelry store, give them the ring, and see what rings you could trade it for...then pick out which one would suit your significant other.

1- I wouldn't be, that's already one more ring than the Minnesota Vikings have

n_epic_fail 14

a ring is a ring, your the one wearing it not the fiancé so what's the issue?

StopDropNRoll 11

Ok well I recently watched a movie which said this, "If the ring is the problem, the ring is not the problem." think about it, it's completely true!

JPLovesAnimals 4

Well I wouldn't care. I would rather be married with a 50 cent machine ring by the love of my life than by an extremely expensive one. It shows he can take risks to make the love last forever and that I can accept anything because I love him. Duh. That simple.

Randuhh_17 4

It's not the ring, or the price of it. It's the fact that he gave it to some other woman before her. I'd be a little upset too, but it's not the end of the world.

krazy_glu3 0

In this economy, who can afford multiple nice rings? He's saving money. Recycling!

The problem is that if he bought it for someone else, it was meant to show his love to another woman, I wouldn't want to wear that every day. Clearly they have a past with other people, which isn't a problem, but to wear something that would constantly remind you of that is going too far. If i wore a necklace my ex gave me, it would remind my boyfriend of that relationship constantly...there's no way a guy would like that. It's not like you have to spend lots on a ring.

enonymous 8

121 so what? The condoms you bought weren't meant for me either but I'm still going to wear it.

So this is what "love" is today, rings.

It's not about the ring. She is mad, because he gave the ring to another person before her. He bought this for another women and then just gave it to her when they were engaged. The ring symbolises the love between 2 people and the husband didn't even bother to exchange the ring for another one. I don't know about you guys but i'd rather have the cheapest ring on earth that my husband choose for me than finding out that I'm wearing a ring of my husbands ex.

Randuhh_17 4

I love how everything that's already been said, has to be repeated...but yet, no one understands the concept. -facepalm-

free2speak 14

recycle and reuse. nothing wrong with that.

sparxva 12

He also gave his heart to someone else. She's just a self-entitled loser. She should be glad to have an engagement ring and get over it.

Some people, like me, would not have the money to buy a new ring, or maybe it was a family heirloom.

He's just recycling. Making the world a better place. Haha

gunmania0 12

Give him a break. Rings cost a lot.

61.. Then he should have pawned it and bought another one. I'm sure OP would rather a smaller ring than a recycled one from his previous relationship. If rather have a $20 pawn shop ring than my husband's ex wife's ring.

I'd rather have no ring than an ex girlfriend's ring.

When i read this i thougt... Rather have a used ring than no ring at all..

I agree. Who cares? He loves you, he wants to marry you. Who cares how he got the ring?

overthelimit 3
lolololer 8

then it would be black for "pissed the **** off"

IAdminIFlow 0

Doesn't even matter wtf..... Ok I'm just gonna sell the expensive ring I got for my ex for 1/10 the price I got it or maybe I'll be smart and propose with this precious ring. This isn't an fml he didn't do anything wrong.

iAmScrubs 19

I'd rather have a ring found in a Kinder Surprise. At least that way I get free chocolate.

I had my first one of those in canada! All I got was a damn rabbit not a ring!

Ive never gotten a ring in kinder surpirises... Only toys that the lazy chocolate people make you put together yourself...

cre8or99 0

I would to but maybe it was like his parents ring or something and he wanted to keep it inthe family and he used it before on his old fiancé?

Tbh I dont see a problem. Clearly that ring was quite expensive so there was no point losing all that cash just to go buy another expensive ring. Plus he must really like it to give it to you and actually marry you.

I have to agree. Rings are really expensive, and he would probably lose money by selling it or trading it. I can understand why she is bugged and maybe it is unconventional, but the ring is only a symbol of the engagement. Be happy you have found someone who wants to spend their life with you :)

The amount of fml's on here about people wanting to get married makes would make me glad if I got proposed to, even if the ring was his ex's

'but the ring is only a symbol of the engagement.' Jup. And OP's problem is that that specific ring was the symbol of the engagement and the love between her partner and his ex. I completely understand your arguments about money, but to be honest, I (and more specifically my pride) would be terribly hurt if I got from my partner the symbol of the love for another woman on my finger.

thiscrazything 1

He is a cheap ass. If he loved his new girl, she deserves a new ring. Not some sorry, used engagement ring. That is beyond tacky.

cradle6 13

I agree with 8. If OP would be completely happy with a $100 ring, then I could see why she's upset, but rings are a lot more than that, and sorry to all the ladies out there, but your boyfriends have loved others in the past, part of life. A previous relationship should not ruin the legitimacy of your current one. The guy is with you now, not his ex. Isn't that what's important?

I agree. I wouldnt want to wear something his ex wore. That ring was a symbol of his engagement with his ex not with his current. So she deserves a new ring. He can simply sell the ring and buy one with the money he got selling the ring. It doesnt have to be more expensive than the ex's. As long as its not somebody else's :-s

sxe_beast 11

I keep hearing "but it wouldn't have to be expensive". BS. I can't tell you how many times I've heard women bitch and cry about how ugly/cheap/small/whatever their ring is.

joa76 3

That doesn't mean EVERYONE is like that. I personally would be more likely to get upset that it cost too much. I mean, you could buy a computer or a tv or even a car for the price some people pay for a ring. Why the heck would you want to waste that money on shiny stuff? A couple hundred dollars is more than enough and doesn't require putting multiple paychecks towards one single useless thing.

I'd be pissed to OP he could have just sold that ring to get you your own it makes it more special that way.

#134 thank you! I actually TOLD my husband that. and I KNOW my engagement ring AND wedding band cost him under a grand. still a bit high, but I would have been PISSED if he wasted more money on it. and in response to this: I agree with 8. If OP would be completely happy with a $100 ring, then I could see why she's upset, but rings are a lot more than that, and sorry to all the ladies out there, but your boyfriends have loved others in the past, part of life. A previous relationship should not ruin the legitimacy of your current one. The guy is with you now, not his ex. Isn't that what's important? He bought that ring for another girl, with her in mind. as a symbol of his love for girl #1. I know my husband was with another girl... but I don't want to spend the rest of my life wearing something he bought for her. What ruins the legitimacy of it isn't so much that the previous girl was dated, loved and proposed to. it is the fact that he picked out a ring for someone else... there's so many styles, so when he found that ring he got it for girl #1. Then he didn't bother taking the time to do that for girl #2.

Yeah, Thumbs down double. Time to recycle my iPod.

... And then you make that comment on both if them... Im not sure what you were thinking there...

Ha I didn't comment on them both only one it puts it there automatically it thinks there the same comment. :O