By Notpunny - 18/04/2016 22:58 - United States - Silver Spring

Today, while making small talk with a veteran, I made the mistake of using the phrase "Cost an arm and a leg". He was a double amputee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 196
You deserved it 7 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry op if guy took offense. I know a few amputees that would actually laugh and agree if you said that to them. People should stop getting offended so easily.

I just wonder what it was exactly that cost an arm and a leg? I think that knowing this will determine if your use of that idiom is appropriate or not.


Well that doesn't seem right but I'm sure he understood

MikaykayUnicorn 36

You gotta be careful what you say around veterans. Someone made a joke with my dad, I don't remember what is was, but something in the joke gave him a flashback that he had nightmares about for a week after. The person didn't know it would give him a flashback but things happen. Make sure to choose your words carefully.

I can see how that could be an accident, but dude, check what you say before you say it

Are your arms and legs fine.. Coz if i were him i would have amputed you too !!

Giving that it says it was the veteran who is a double amputee in the FML. I'm guessing it was the veteran, not OP, who is a double amputee.

I think #4 meant after OP's conversation with the veteran. Because if he was in the veteran's place, he wouldn't let OP go without losing a leg or an arm apparently.

I just wonder what it was exactly that cost an arm and a leg? I think that knowing this will determine if your use of that idiom is appropriate or not.

I wonder that all the time as well. The way it's put, it sounds like it's worth a hell of a lot of money. Like just going to an open house and say "hmm, how about I give you my left arm, my right leg, and my big toe?" SOLD

Sorry op if guy took offense. I know a few amputees that would actually laugh and agree if you said that to them. People should stop getting offended so easily.

Most Vets would laugh. His buddies probably give a way harder time than you did.

Well, I think it was more of a worry that he MIGHT have been offended

Seems a little ridiculous that a guy has to lose two limbs and isn't even allowed to get upset about people being insensitive about it.

Cmon man, you must've known even as u were saying it what u were doing

Hopefully he had a sence of humour, but you kinda deserve it for not holding your tongue. Sometimes you need to check and see if what you're about to say is appropriate!

man I cant STAND these jokes, I dont have a LEG to stand on

Saying "it cost an arm and a leg" isn't a joke, its a hyperbole.

Hyperbole is often a joke. Checkmate.

I'm sure he knows that is a regular phrase and didn't take it personally

So common it's really easy to say without thinking.