By talhabilal - 11/03/2010 14:28 - Pakistan

Today, I found out that my entire family thinks I have no friends, am expressionless (to quote, "a robot") and that my monotonous voice hints at the suppressed depression hidden deep inside me. According to them, I need psychic evaluation. It all came out during a family reunion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 783
You deserved it 3 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe you do need a PSYCHIATRIC evaluation. They must be pretty worried about you to bring this up, or complete assholes, but for an entire family to agree hints at something deeper. What's the harm in some evaluation? £100, perhaps, but for your mental health, a small price to pay.


I'll be your psychic evaluator. Here, read my mind...

I see... cookies in your future... Seriously, if they're sending you to Miss Cleo, there's a problem. I hope they didn't actually say "psychic"!

perdix 29

Buy a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay and bypass all of the Al-Qaeda bullshit and head straight to your cell in sunny Cuba. You sound like Osama's wet dream. You can hide like a rat in caves and maybe get 72 virgins in the afterworld, or you can get released he in the rural US and have access to millions of skanks . . . and crystal meth.

spiderman0606 0

What the hell was that? You're supposed to be funny.

Perdix, to whom was that statement of yours intended? If it was to the OP, then what the heck? You're not the kind I would expect to be bigoted. *confused wordgirl awaits reply*

rachness 0

wordgirl I like your pic. you just look so happy, and it made me happy =D

Unfortunately, even family may be clueless. I used to be quiet and shy and introverted. When I started hanging out with some kids at school, my family thought I had joined some cult (like the moonies). I agree with #6. If you feel alright with yourself then ignore them. If their oppinions bother you, try including them in stuff you do and open up to them more. My mom and I learned a lot of things about each other once we started really talking to each other

KurouTenshi 0

thts when you turn it on your sibling and yell: "Way to clog the toilet, [insert name]!!" that will apparently **** their life. somehow.

PsychoMerk 0

I kinda have a monotone voice too :( but I force to be all squeaky and girly so people'll stop bothering me about being " depressed" -_- I just hate humanity.

Hey, There are comedians (can't remember names, too much drugs) who make money building their jokes around stuff like that.

He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no-one had a chance to interrupt; it was really quite hypnotic...

WeOH12 0

I hate ppl like that...They literally act like robots and they look dumb. Lmao...YOU DO NEED HELP!!!

OP: I doubt your that "deep", but do you know for sure whether you might be adopted? You problem might just be your family. Also, I would recommend Tarot cards over the psychic, just don't forget to go all in !!