By strawberrykiwi62 - 11/06/2009 09:09 - Israel

Today, I found out that my extremely-flat chested cousin recently got a boob job. When my mom found out, she said "Oh that's great! They look so good!". Then she looks at me and tells me that I should get one. Everyone including my own mother thinks I should get a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 080
You deserved it 5 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll never sag when you get old and they'll get bigger when you have kids, so no worries!!


sp4ksu_fml 9

BOOBS! Can't go wrong either way:)

How about you live with what you have? As fun as that is made out to be it can cause back problems and etc. if they're that small its the right size from your body. Thank mother nature.

As a man; I can give you first-hand insight on the "small-****" business. Us men don't give a **** if they're the size of lemons or the size of melons, we love all of them!