By Cult - 30/03/2014 14:27 - United States - Glenside

Today, I found out that my favorite band logo is no longer being used by said band because of copyright issues. I have this logo tattooed on my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 327
You deserved it 57 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chocolatefrog28 29

But now you have a permanent part of their history, and it doesn't decrease your appreciation for the band. It's not that bad.


nattlecakes 19

Well now you can say you've been a hardcore fan since to good ol' days :)

How do you think the members of Bayside feel? They all have that tattoo. Doesn't take away the meaning of the tattoo and why you got it

Just say you knew them before they were cool

I heard about that still part of their history and the album still kicks ass

CaitlinCort 1

Bayside? they already announced it was an April Fools Day joke.

It's still cool, it's not like they're going to start denying that they ever used that logo.

GalaxyShots 21

Just get it covered up by another tattoo. No biggie (: