
By What great parents I have - 10/09/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my parents were watching videos of police officers dealing with stubborn suspects. I overheard my mom saying, "It's like a Christian trying to argue with an atheist about God" and my dad agreed. Good to know that they're still as intolerant as ever, and it will never be safe for me to come out as an atheist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 407
You deserved it 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The LGBTQ+ folks suggest waiting to come out to conservative parents until after moving out and becoming financially independent. Also might be part of the reason many religious groups and conservative parents try to keep their children financially dependent on them one way or another.

d j mom 8

you just can't argue with close minded people. just keep it to yourself. you might want to enlighten them but it's like talking to a brick wall. save yourself the headache.


The LGBTQ+ folks suggest waiting to come out to conservative parents until after moving out and becoming financially independent. Also might be part of the reason many religious groups and conservative parents try to keep their children financially dependent on them one way or another.

d j mom 8

you just can't argue with close minded people. just keep it to yourself. you might want to enlighten them but it's like talking to a brick wall. save yourself the headache.

It seems ironic that I can't actually tell if you're a Christian or an atheist from that comment.

You sound intolerant yourself, honestly. Nobody is required to tolerate anything as long as they follow the law. And I'm assuming you would not be in physical danger if you "came out", so saying that you wouldn't be safe is a gross exaggeration. And a believer arguing with an atheist IS pointless, since they couldn't possibly agree on a basis for discussing the subject.