By Cult - 30/03/2014 14:27 - United States - Glenside

Today, I found out that my favorite band logo is no longer being used by said band because of copyright issues. I have this logo tattooed on my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 327
You deserved it 57 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chocolatefrog28 29

But now you have a permanent part of their history, and it doesn't decrease your appreciation for the band. It's not that bad.


Think twice and before reacting, think again. Never get tattoos of things you love!

That1One1Chick 24

Surely having their original logo tattooed on you indicates that you're a bigger fan, so isn't it a good thing?

Well, whos idea was it to put a LOGO on their body???

kissmeImawkward 17

as long as it's still meaningful to you, I don't see why that tattoo could be a problem should enjoy it no matter what happens :) I have a sparrow tattooed and you don't see me panicking about it every time I see a dead bird..

samiisnorlax 2

Did anyone else think of that movie Wild Hogs where the nerdy guy gets the Apple logo and he's bragging about it at a bar? "Yeah, I know it's copyrighted. but what are you gonna do bitch, IT'S IN MY SKIN" OP just keep that attitude and it'll be fine! (:

You think that's bad, think of all the people with Ian Watkins or Lost Prophets tattoos...

Elfkid21 19

You're an idiot, you know that, right?

Could you afford to remove the tattoo?

menoseloso 13

Good thing it was an April Fool's joke.