By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 04:16 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I found out that my obese son, who is on a health-mandated diet and exercise plan, gorges on junk food whenever he has the chance. His logic? "It won't make you fatter if you crap it out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 618
You deserved it 6 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's what I tell myself too 'Oh no my jeans don't fit' 'Oh it's ok i just haven't had a shit today'


Some people can clean cut slowly get him onto the healthier way

Really?! So how'd he get so fat to begin with?

It's your fault that he is fat, you did not limit his intake of food. You did also not make him get more exercise. Blame your self.

MrBoredomioo 18

No wonder I'm so fat, I've had some bad constipation! Thanks kid!

It's sounds like that was God's plan too. To crap him out

Clear out all of the junk food in the house, and keep it all away. He can't eat what isn't there.

mastatheif 8

let your sack of shit son die, or take away everything he loves and give it back when he weighs less