By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 04:16 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I found out that my obese son, who is on a health-mandated diet and exercise plan, gorges on junk food whenever he has the chance. His logic? "It won't make you fatter if you crap it out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 618
You deserved it 6 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's what I tell myself too 'Oh no my jeans don't fit' 'Oh it's ok i just haven't had a shit today'


Chris_1163187222 15
SaltyLurker 10

I assume he did not sit down one day and think by himself what happens to any of the rest of the food that made him so fat???

EmDizzle2007 28

not really something you should be broadcasting.