By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 04:16 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I found out that my obese son, who is on a health-mandated diet and exercise plan, gorges on junk food whenever he has the chance. His logic? "It won't make you fatter if you crap it out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 618
You deserved it 6 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's what I tell myself too 'Oh no my jeans don't fit' 'Oh it's ok i just haven't had a shit today'


NodakN8V 25

Kind of like "if no one sees you eat it, it doesn't count." Seems logical.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Your son has a ****** up logic.

Some people are always sick but don't gain weight until puberty or extreme stress times. Hormones play a huge role. I say send him to fat camp

OP, expain to your son that his theory is true only if he leaves the wrappers and packaging on and swallows it whole.

That's the same logic I had when I was in the second grade. Congrats your son has the mentality of an 8-year old.

CharresBarkrey 15

Maybe he IS an 8 year old. It doesn't say his age.

Lock him in a room with nothing but a consistent supply of water, fruits, and veggies. Maybe also give him a jigsaw puzzle or a book of word searches so his mind will also be healthy. Yea, that should do the trick.

monnanon 13

you do need a bit of everything in your diet. that includes fat. i do think something drastic needs done though.