By fatty milkshakes - 29/01/2013 22:56 - United States

Today, I found out that my roommate has been switching my protein powder with chocolate milk mix and brown sugar. Since I work out frequently, I've been consuming large amounts of this and have gained at least 10 pounds of fat. His reason? I turned his bookbag inside out. Once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 164
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Don't mess with a man's book bag, man. It ain't right.


Trisha_aus 15
Trisha_aus 15

Don't you worry op, payback will be a lot of fun. Put on your thinking cap.

He was trying to weaken and fatten you, so you wouldn't have the strength to turn it inside out again

bigtaytay 13

OP, it just goes to show there's just some people you don't mess with

whiteboy896 9

right? im pretty sure there is a fine difference between the taste of a protein shake and chocolate milk.

I drink a chocolate flavored protein powder drink and with milk it tastes pretty good, but there is a distinct difference between it and real chocolate milk. I'm guessing OP either hadn't tried his/her protein drink before the switch was made or really can't detect the difference... In the second case that must be some award winning protein drink in taste.

I mean, if it were only chocolate milk mix I'd understand; however, the brown sugar should've been a dead giveaway.

I think it probably tasted similar as some protein shakes are flavoured. And to be fair OP probably didn't expect anyone to tamper with his protein shakes. And if you don't expect it.... you don't always notice it.

55, it's not just the taste, it has a very distinct smell as well every time I open the lid. I wish my protein powder tastes as good as real chocolate mix..

I had to dope my protein mix with chocolate syrup just so it didn't taste like ass. A lot of chocolate syrup would make the change difficult to detect. However, since the protein is to help the body to recover faster, the extra 10 lbs just means OP needs to work HARDER!

Or OP could be mixing it with other things. I mix mine with milk, a frozen banana, and peanut butter and the flavor of the protein powder isn't really there. But then again 30 grams of chocolate milk powder would be pretty strong.

OhDearBetrayal 25

Don't mess with a man's book bag, man. It ain't right.

slimjim8094 12

Yeah, seriously. That fad started out already stupid when I was a freshman in high school in 2005.

Hey! They are dependable and practical.

slimjim8094 12

Oh wow, I meant the turning someone's bag inside out fad. Book bags aren't a fad. Jeez

iShanny 13

What kind of protein powder do you use? It must be amazing if you couldn't tell the difference between that and actual chocolate.

Yeah most protein supplements are not sweet and tasty at all. I used to put spoon of chocolate syrup in mine

I use Elite, esp the berry blast flavor, plus it's cheap too and doesn't clump

Your friends don't mess around lol they go straight to dirty!

I say get back at him... Add some laxative in what ever he drinks... Even when he figures it out... He'd have to throw the whole thing away... And then say... you should know better than to screw with someone's protein shake... *evil grin*

OP should punch his roommate in the face and then put large amounts of laxatives in everything he drinks and eats. For an extended period of time.

alphatoomega 21

Do you two realize that laxatives can kill you through dehydration? Using them as a prank is dangerous and often illegal.

Shadow_Phantom 26

How the hell were you not able to tell? Protein powder always has that chalky taste to it. Chocolate milk on the other hand... that shit is tasty. FYL but YDI.

KiddNYC1O 20

Damn... Well said! Op, large amounts of anything is no bueno. No matter how frequent you work out.

I have protein powder that tastes very close to chocolate

Even with the extra ten pounds, did your milkshakes still bring the boys to the yard? :p

Uhh how were you not able to tell the difference in taste and when you mix it, the protein usualy clumps more

plus the taste of chocolate milk powder, I imagine, would taste a lot better.

28 you've never had chocolate milk powder!!? (In milk obviously)

Like a lot of commenters have said, how did you not taste the difference? Protein shakes are powder, you can definitely taste that powdery texture! Unless you used HOT water or milk whatever it is to melt to down, I'd say you're an idiot. Other than that... It just means you gotta put some extra workout time and you'll be fine!