By oopsies - 04/07/2011 09:11 - United States

Today, I found out that the 2 loud "firework booms" I heard were actually a guy shooting his dog on the unfinished road behind my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 583
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabirolon 1

wow did u reported him????!!!!????? that's sooooo f..ed up!!!!


51 your name fits you quite well, you jackass.

He deserves to get shot because he killed an animal with no soul? I do think it is wrong but the fact that you say he deserves to get shot is like pulling tge trigger.

how the hell do you know the animal 'has no soul' ? they are living creatures. people who abuse animals do deserve this. i once read a story of two guys who bound a four month old puppies legs together, covered it in paint and cooked it the oven, and i fully believe that they deserve the same treatment.

an animal does has a soul you loser

I read somewhere that women have no souls. Does this mean it's all cool to take the little wife out back and shoot her too #255?

Mamma, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead.

Gloritank 8

Mamma, life had just begun. and now I've gone and thrown it all awaaaaaaaaay.

eminoacid5 0

didn't mean to make you cry.. if I'm not back here this time tomorrow carry on carry on as if nothing really matters anymore

whoisthisgirl 4

yes, they passed some law a few years back saying you can no longer shoot your dog unless it is humanely done. I didn't think shooting a dog ever for any reason is humane but that's what it is. I actually got a guy arrested for shooting a pit bull by finding an article saying that it is illegal in PA. glad he got put away and charged

evilteddybear 0

lol nice pic... it goes perfect with what u said.

That's the way July 4th is celebrated in my country. The older animals are sacrificed to Rumewab so that the younger ones may flourish for another year and avoid the sacrifice next year. Isn't that what July 4th is all about?

Who the hell would thumb down Doc? Gah!

Alexunited1212 2

No shit, it was a joke, dumbass.

NOO???? Where the F*** do you live?? that's not what 4th of July is about!!

strochenakilo23 and baseballbeast - you know what they call July 4th outside the US? July 4th. You DO realise that it's only a holiday in the US, right? Right?? Maybe you should learn about some other cultures.

ReynshineCutting 10

Last night while watching fireworks I was feeling patriotic. Then this fml was posted and I remembered how ****** up this country is from all the tree hugging hippies saying how cruel it is to put down your dog and that it's illegal and whatnot. **** our government and the stupid laws they make just to satisfy some hippies.

HahaYDI 0

In Britain do they call July 4th "We're not so Great Anymore" Day?

CateXOX 0

191- No, for some wierd reason they've already forgotten about it and moved on. Honestly though, why would they give a shit about America?

in Australia I'm pretty sure the 4th of July isn't celebrated

HahaYDI 0

229- Because it is now the strongest nation in the world with more resources than Britain?

beastlybeauty 4

it's still a day. I bet it's celebrated as a birthday!

Maybe he was just sparing it from misery.

ladybunny 0

man's best friend just got betrayed by owner....sad

bigarat10 0

who the f**k would shoot a dog? sick people

Alexunited1212 2

23 - that's like canceling out your own comment, which makes it a pointless comment.