By nickyniknaim93 - 11/03/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I found out that the electric nose hair clippers that I've been using for the past two years are in fact my father's pubic hair trimmers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 721
You deserved it 17 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you know what electric nose hair clippers look like? They could not be used to trim pubes, you need a different attachment.


Do you know what electric nose hair clippers look like? They could not be used to trim pubes, you need a different attachment.

th3wh1tee 0

Now you know where those nose crabs came from.

#2 - you're right. i don't believe this one.

how could you mistake a nose hair trimmer with pube trimmers? they look like two completely different things.

Op is blind. She had me type the FML for her.

dang_fml 0

if your dad used them to groom himself, whether its his nose, ears, pubes or whatever hair, why would you use it afterward? that's just gross. you deserved that

And HOW did you find this out? For the sake of everyone here I hope he just told you

zebendyone 0

#8 because she didn't realize, dummy. l2read. But I'm afraid that's a pretty dumb mistake to make. Deserved. Mostly because I think this is fake. XD