By Anonymous - 18/06/2012 01:55 - United States - Sacramento

Today, I found out that the only reason why I haven't had a relationship last for more than a week the past 4 years is because of my stalker ex-girlfriend, who has been keeping other women out of my life by making up horrible stories about me. She broke up with me 5 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 397
You deserved it 2 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the girls you're trying to date don't give you a chance to explain or prove that crazy psycho bitch wrong, they aren't worth your time.


I had that same problem. Except he'd track down whoever I was with and would tell them horrible untrue stories about me :-/. I finally found out when he fessed up after one of the guys I was dating told him off. I'm sorry and that sucks OP.

xStaciexLynnx 15

My ex got crazy like that after we were finally done. My new bf put up with it until he stopped eventually. Don't worry, OP. Be up front about it and someone will be willing to stick it out.

Start pooping on her porch like Eric Cartman then maybe she'll get the hint ;)

You got to get a restraining order on this girl. Bothering you for 5 years after breaking up is borderline psychotic.

lexi0105 4

She's a psycho! Try to find a girl that is not in her circle of friends and explain your situation. Or better yet get a restraining order.

FireFlie07 20
tweetbaby14 18

I hope this is you, Chris, if it is hahaha I told you so.

That is defamatory. I'm not sure about America, buts that illegal in australia. Hope you can gather enough evidence to sue her or just get a restraining order like people said

Sounds like you just watched the episode of how I met your mother where Barney makes his bracket of 64 for the same reason.

I'm not saying this would work, I'm just saying you should talk to her and you should probably bring some pepper spray just in case!!