By elle - 23/05/2011 10:17

Today, I found out that the peaceful rain I'd been listening to all night was really a broken water-main flooding my entire yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 332
You deserved it 4 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it was only your yard and not your house. Now your grass will be nice and green.

angelsara91 0

crappy way to start a Monday.


Next time, listen for tapping on the roof.

atleast you got a peaceful night rest before you go dealing with such a huge issue.

jdeshnerx3 0

look on the good side... I'm sorry there's no good side to this. FYL

I'm sorry about that, hopefully after most of your mushy yard dries up a bit, you'll have some nice vegetation growing in... preferably flowers?

I hate Mondays. and at least it was a peaceful flooding