By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02

Today, I found out that whenever I send my son to his room, he goes on his iPod and buys the most expensive apps he can find. So far I've been charged $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 858
You deserved it 53 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet


Your son is young enough to be sent to his room, but old enough for an ipod??? Stop spoiling your child and he won't be such a little punk.

YDI for being stupid OP! buy your son itunes cards instead of linking ur credit card to his ipod account :/

cjsavage84 2

Your a moron for giving your son access to a credit card or I tunes account

there are so many mean things I want to say right now. this is your fault not his. you've raised him to think this is ok. stop being a pussy and be a parent. take the iPod and hit him in the face with it 600 times. or teach your son there are rules. don't send them to their room. make them sit next to you and spend every night with you hanging out with you. make them watch your shows. do your activities. that will drive him crazy and you'll be able to keep track of him. or you can say your in trouble go to your room and play on all your fun stuff. hmmmm

i do this too with ondemand movies. >:)

make the little rat pay you back every cent back by flipping burgers on weekends.

Umm your a f***king idiot for giving him your account details or ur credit card number just cancel the card and give your son vouchers that way he'll limit his spending

take your card details from the apple account, simples or set up parental controls

time for the spiteful little brat to get beat down

saturnsonic 3

Whats wrong with you stupidapple? ydi