By just wanted nice nails - 05/08/2015 04:37 - United States - Palmer

Today, I found out that you can ruin a $500 computer with a few stray drops of 100% acetone nail polish remover on the keyboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 412
You deserved it 22 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26

And that kids is why we can't have nice things.

Kind of common sense one would think.


mgrazi99 13

As someone who works in a lab, I can say with certainty your nail polish remover was not 100% acetone. It may have had acetone in it, but 100% would split your fingernails

kitsuneluvuh 12

No, they sell and use 100% acetone as nail polish remover. I have some myself. It's mostly for removing acrylic nails and gel polish, though. Not recommended for removing ordinary nail polish.

YDI. You dripped liquid on a computer, what did you expect to happen. Assuming this is a laptop, a keyboard costs about $30 and should be user replacible unless you got it on the mobo. If thats the case, you're screwed. If it's a desktop, just go buy a new keyboard dummy.

I was ready to sympathize with you. nail polish remover is a good thing to clean that gray crap off from between your keys. and then I read your username. you're using a computer as a drip pan while you paint your nails? YDI. take better care of your stuff.

the acetone must have fallen through the keyboard and into the internal components, possibly frying the CPU or RAM chips.

sounds like an ID:10:T issue to me. How do you ruin the whole thing by getting drops on only the keyboard, unless maybe it was a laptop? Either way sucks to be you for doing your nails over your computer. Duh.

tiredofwaiting 25

This is why you never paint your nails on your laptop ever.

why not just replace the keyboard whats funnier about this is if u really think that will ruin the computer itself

Humm, general rule, don't eat or drink (or apparently use nail polish remover) around an expensive electronic device.