By just wanted nice nails - 05/08/2015 04:37 - United States - Palmer

Today, I found out that you can ruin a $500 computer with a few stray drops of 100% acetone nail polish remover on the keyboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 412
You deserved it 22 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26

And that kids is why we can't have nice things.

Kind of common sense one would think.


No, you actually can't. If you mean a laptop yeah, but a computer? No, just replace the keyboard.

Except that a laptop is just as much a computer as a desktop?

LadyLuck93 20

Question is, why would you fix ur nails over a computer in the first place?.. you should be aware that those devices are fragile.

You can ruin a lot of things with nail polish a computer is the higher end

Well this has happened to my keyboard (I have a desktop). I didn’t know the acetone nail polish was leaking. I lost the volume down button. But i can still press it using a chopstick or scissors.

You can also strip paint with 100% acetone. What the hell type of nail polish are you using that requires that high of a concentration?

Britt125 16

I'm guessing your computer is a laptop then since you didn't specify. But in the event it's not you should be able to just replace the keyboard. But I wouldn't even have liquids especially something like acetone that close to even a 10 dollar keyboard, nevermind an expensive laptop I just can't imagine why you would do that.

What you really fount out today is that you need to find a new, honest computer repair shop.

You can ruin a lot of things with acetone. That said, I didn't realize they still made nail polish remover containing acetone. (Then again, I've never needed any that strong and therefore never looked for it.) Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure I'd want to even use it. I distinctly remember a HS chem experiment/demo in which the teacher put a spoonful of pure acetone in a jar and then dissolved an entire large box worth of edible packing peanuts in it. Even if it smelled better, I'd still not want on my body.