By SummersEve - 12/02/2010 00:47 - United States

Today, I found out the crappy shampoo I've been borrowing from my girlfriend is actually "feminine wash." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 722
You deserved it 33 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do realize that's why there are such things called 'labels'? Dumbass.

Well I mean. Your girlfriend is a female so its assumed that she would use a feminine wash, right?


snickelfrits 0

if regular soap does not clean your snatch well enough then perhaps you might want to reconsider the dirty dicks you have been around! lol

Cowless 0

Have you tried her Mace perfume? That stuff's the best!

jnrockstar10 0

In the shower scrubbing shampoo into hair "hmmmmm somthing smells fishy here." looks at bottle "Ohhhh GOD!!!!" drops to ground curls into fetal posistion "Im going to my happy place, going to my happy place (while sobbing)."

Not into reading labels much I see? Good thing it wasn't Nair.

RKftw 0

at 8 maybe he thought it was French shampoo called dooshey

RKftw 0

maybe he thought it's was fancy French shampoo called "doo shey" as in... nevermind this guy is retarded

Any guy who has been with a girl before knows to READ what's in her bathroom BEFORE USING IT! You wouldn't believe the stuff we girls keep in our bathrooms. You're lucky you didn't grab the Nair bottle & end up bald!

You really should talk to your girlfriend about using feminine wash though... Its use is highly correlated with pelvic inflammatory disease (inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes- it can cause scars to form, which may lead to infertility, chronic pain, and/or life-threatening complications during pregnancies later in life). Most women don't even know when they have PID, so prevention is pretty important here. It scares me how few women know about this.. Seriously, please tell her-- douching is dangerous! :(

it is very bad, it's suddenly clear to me after reading all these comments that most people think it's normal, but douching is NOT good for you, no matter if you just had sex or if you're on your period etc. the inside of your ****** does NOT need cleaning. you're just ruining your insides with shit that does not belong in there.

Also! Douching kills the bacteria and other microorganisms that are *supposed* to be there, so that more resources are available for harmful bacteria that normally wouldn't be able to cause an infection. TLDR version: Your ****** is happy the way it is. Leave it alone.

feminine wash =/= douching. Feminine wash is, as someone posted above, one gentler with a different Ph level than normal soap which can irritate the lady parts.

Naw, the Ph level has nothing to do with it; that's not how soap works anyway. If it's being used in your ******, it's still bad. I believe feminine washes do specify "for external use only," but I don't think most people notice that (I may be wrong though). Any types of soap, including feminine washes, are dangerous if used internally.

bfffness 0

that's probably why she likes you