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Free the Flow!

By Lunar-Spice - 23/10/2019 14:00

Today, I went to take a shower. I noticed a funky smell, but I just assumed it was from whoever had been there last. When I pulled the shower curtain back, I found out that my sister has stopped using feminine hygiene products for her period. It looked like someone had died in the bathtub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 869
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so confused, was she just bleeding into the empty bathtub? Because you know you can shower on your period without any products, right? There's water, it rinses everything away, down the drain it goes... that's kind of the point of showering, so how did she manage to turn it into a crime scene?

Sady_Ct 37

Drag her ass in there and make her clean up after herself. Bloody disgusting for any female to leave that kind of mess. Men cleanup their spunk, women clean up their blood, period.


I'm so confused, was she just bleeding into the empty bathtub? Because you know you can shower on your period without any products, right? There's water, it rinses everything away, down the drain it goes... that's kind of the point of showering, so how did she manage to turn it into a crime scene?

bullsonyourface 20
Susan Yee 9

If the water didn’t drain fast enough and she didn’t rinse the tub properly, the blood stain would just stay in the tub.

Who WOULD shower with one in? Weird

Sady_Ct 37

Drag her ass in there and make her clean up after herself. Bloody disgusting for any female to leave that kind of mess. Men cleanup their spunk, women clean up their blood, period.

zeffra13 31

You don't have to use anything while showering, as above commenter said. Maybe she's taking a break from tampons and using pads, can't wear those in the shower. It would seem the issue is she didn't get out right away after turning off the water to deal with it, and didn't rinse away what happened while she was drying off, which is rude.

bullsonyourface 20

she actually did kill someone in there, and she wasn't expecting you home so quick. watch your back.

this makes no sense. usually while bathing I remove my feminine product.

Um, that's not what it means. You'd see blood everywhere and not just the bathtub. Does she bathe or shower when on her period? Sounds like her periods are heavy. :(

"Had stopped using feminine hygiene products for her period" this doesn't make any ******* sense lmfao. She'd still be bleeding on herself constantly, even if she went to the bathroom every hour to hang herself over the toilet. She should definitely clean up when she expels tho.