By GabyLeann - 29/09/2015 02:01 - United States
Same thing different taste
By bobuhbeartoe - 24/08/2009 04:36 - United States
By kissandcontrol01 - 10/10/2015 04:22 - United States - Hanford
By mayoshampoo - 01/09/2014 16:59 - Canada - Toronto
Whip it
By Anonymous - 07/02/2025 00:00 - United States
By SummersEve - 12/02/2010 00:47 - United States
By Courtney - 12/11/2011 21:13 - United States
Morning pick-me-up
By Anonymous - 30/01/2011 05:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/01/2012 17:31 - United States
Little devil
By Girlie - 07/05/2024 00:00 - Canada
By DaycareMama92 - 28/04/2017 16:00
Top comments
Just say you knocked it over or something.
You shouldn't break promises!
No one should buy $60 shampoo! I guess unless it was for something special or a sort of condition...
But it's everyones decidion what they want to do with their money and also I don't think op intentionally used their shampoo. It was probably an accident aswell.
It‘s not only a broken promise. Where I come from this is called stealing.
And shampoo bottle too
I'm guessing OP probably knocked the bottle over instead of purposely using it.
Promises aren't the only thing OP is breaking

Your roommate deserves it for spending $60 on shampoo.

Why is this down voted it's actually sensible
16- it got down voted because even if it sounds like a waste of money (like I personally wouldn't buy something like that) but it was the roommates money and they have the right to buy whatever they want. Op shouldn't have been messing with the roommates stuff to begin with.
Ummm... has no one in this comment section heard of allergies? My mum has to buy this ridiculously expensive deodorant cause she gets horrible, painful rashes from normal stuff and has a medical problem that causes excessive sweating so showering like twice a day or something isn't gonna help either. Y'all need to shut the **** up with your bullshit "Her fault for spending $60 on shampoo". Not every expensive thing someone has is a senseless purchase, and sometimes it's necessary for them.
Exactly! My father has reoccuring seborrheic dermatitis on his scalp because of his super-sensitive skin and needs to use an expensive shampoo for like 40$ or something. A friend of mine has chronic extreme dandruff and red patches on her scalp because of her allergies, and the only thing that helps is a shampoo for 80$, so y'all should reconsider your healthy scalp privilege. Not everyone gets to go through life using 2$ shampoo and staying healthy, they have to live with consequences we never have to deal with.
Well sometimes people can have something wrong where they need special shampoo, my sister for example has psoriasis and needs a certain type so that her head doesn't get bad.
34 - Why would OP use his ROOMATE'S medical shampoo?
So because somebody can afford nicer things than you that means it's okay to use or break it..?
commenters - although good point about the medical shampoo, why would OP use a special shampoo for an illness/allery she most likely doesnt have? that doesnt make any sense.
Has nobody on here ever knocked every bottle in the shower off the ledges before? It can cause some damage
So much ******* hostility in these comments. I spent about $35 on my shampoo and $35 on my conditioner. (Headbanging is just so much better with softer and better feeling hair). Now, I would be pissed if someone I told specifically not to used my shampoo. However, a broken cap is nothing to get upset about. Shit, even the caps on my shampoo have broken. As for spending that much money on shampoo? Why not? Great hair is something great to have. (There is absolutely no way I can put that and NOT have it sound gay ot feminine. No I am not gay or feminine.) People really need to stop making assumptions. We only have one life, and its quite ephemeral. It really isn't worth it to waste time being upset about a cap being broken.
**** it its just shampoo maybe your roommate should keep their shit in their room. And you shouldn't be touching other people's shit aha.
Why should the roomate have to keep the shampoo in his room?
You just HAD to touch it, didn't you?
Who said they touched it on purpose? Their elbow could have bumped it causing it to fall over and the cap breaking.
No need to be a ****. I knock my shampoo bottles by accident all the time in the shower.
Why not keep your hands to yourself? I won't lie... The look of panicked desperation on your face was a hilarious thought in my head.
Why are most of you assuming OP touched it on purpose? They could have just as easily bumped it. And OP, I'm sure your roommate just doesn't want you using any of it, as getting pissed at someone for breaking the cap is just ridiculous.
I'm sure then the FML would either not exist or it would be more about how the roommate reacted.
I think most people are assuming OP touched it on purpose because of the way they worded the FML. It doesn't make much sense for OP to specify that they promised not to touch/use the shampoo, unless they went and did just that. Otherwise the only problem would be the price, because OP could easily explain to their roommate that they merely knocked it over by accident. That being said, while I agree with people that it's likely OP was touching it, it is still just speculation so we never know.
To be fair.. you were asked not to use it. Karma.

Just say you knocked it over or something.
You shouldn't break promises!