By mmvv - 08/02/2010 05:41 - United States

Today, I found out the hard way that my boyfriend occasionally wets the bed. He's 25 and we're moving in together next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 422
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL but even more FHL. Be supportive and go see a doctor together. I bet there's something that can help him.


toast2218 0

hey I have that problem ok and don't you think it's enough for him to go through with it I know it's he'll for me to go through it so back off or he will have a low self esteem and go suicidal like me

kp_1717 0

you might want to consider something. my boyfriend is 23 and he wets the bed unless i remind him to use the bathroom before he goes to sleep. the reason he does wet the bed is because of prostate problems that are hereditary. he needs to go to the doctor and let them make sure what the actual reason is.

instead of whining why don't you try to support him i'm sure his life is much more f/cked up than yours

Haze_Zero 0

today i found out my girlfriend with whom im moving in with complains about me on about a problem that i have no control over... FML

he needs your support right now, not spreading his stuff on just sayin'

I honestly had to break up with my ex for that reason. Since he did it twice a week, and occasionally got on me. And he never washed the blanket afterwards, he made me did do them.

good call on the breakup... guy ***** up the sheets, guy does the laundry.

Be supportive. If you love him, then this isn't an FYL.