By Anonymous - 12/02/2014 21:25 - Australia

Today, I found out the real reason my boyfriend kept starting fights with me, and why my best friend kept telling me to break up with him. It was so they could turn their affair into a proper relationship, then twist it around to make me look like a bitch for dumping him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 639
You deserved it 4 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Break up with him and tell everyone what those two assholes did to you before they spread *****

That is seriously ****** for a friend to do, honestly I would just make sure neither of them were a part of my life anymore.


ThatInvisibleBoy 7

You don't deserve him OP, You can find someone way better and who deserve you. And I hope you're not friends with bitch anymore...

Well now you know...but either way you take's not going to be positive for you...

Who would actually believe that? I'm so sorry OP, you definitely don't deserve this. I think it's time to dump your boyfriend and tell your 'best friend' to **** off

well obviously the girl doesn't deserve to be your best friend. Truthfully honey, I'd say dump his ass, get her out of your life. You so totally deserve someone better and with more character than these two bumbling idiots.

Mysterion345 11

make them pay OP. Crush their skulls. no ex drama and no more back stabbing ex best friend

ohishkabibble 21

Yowch! It sounds like you'd be better off without the both of those jerks. I'm sorry, OP; FYL!

Always Question the motives of someone who gives you relationship advice. Even if she wasn't after your bf, she could have wanted you single for so many other reasons. Right now, think about the reaction they expect and do the opposite. Come off the more mature person by appearing as though none of it affected you and erase every aspect of them from your life like they never existed or mattered. Genuine laughter when they try to talk to you will add some salt to thier wounds also. When people do pathetic things, we can either laugh or cry. One is your win the other is theirs.

Ignore and move on. Don't start a drama over it and just leave them out of your life. Be the better person.

That's harsh! You deserve better! So sorry to hear that. :(