By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 20:23 - United States - Du Quoin

Today, I found out why my dad always treated me badly as a kid compared to my siblings. It's because I was conceived while my mom was cheating on him. On top of that, he made it clear that he still doesn't consider me a "real" part of the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 964
You deserved it 3 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible. But don't worry, you are not the first person to have that happen to them.

That sucks cuz it's not even your fault.


That is why DNA tests were invented

That is horrible. He should treat you no different; you are innocent and regardless he doesn't know anything for sure I bet but he should know that he is your father and you love him.

I am so sorry you have to deal with that shit. Obviously he's the one with problems, you've done nothing wrong. What an ass hat.

I'm sorry and that's really wrong. Unfortunately our parents aren't always the parent they should be..

Sorry OP. It's not your fault you were conceived during a infidelity Liaison. Your dad hasn't forgiven your mom so he is taking it out on you. I guess you are a constant reminder of that cheating time. Chin up. I hope your siblings love you regardless .

Reality_bites 14

The father is a douche. Yes the mother cheated and that must have hurt but to take his anger out on an innocent child is unbelievable.

Am I the only one who finds it strange that the father considers the wife (who CHOSE to cheat on him) as part of the family, but OP (who cannot choose who his father was) as excluded from the family? It would make sense to either forgive the wife and therefore accept her son, or split up with her once he discovered her cheating and reject both her and her illegitimate son. The father is clearly not thinking properly, don't let his words discourage you too much OP!

That made you into the strong person you are now. If someone cannot get past their own selfish feelings to help raise a child then they shouldn't even be a parent. That's horrible. I hope it has gotten better for you, OP and if it has; its because you made it better.