By JustSayNo - 11/08/2013 23:23 - United Kingdom - Guildford

Today, I found out why my doctor told me not to mix pain killers with alcohol when I was told that last night I tried to convince a group of teenage tourists that I was one of the nitwits from One Direction, and then got miffed when they laughed at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 248
You deserved it 40 025

Same thing different taste

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CommentModerated 17

Why would you not listen to that advice?

Why would you think that's a good idea? Listen to your doctor next time, YDI.


Yeah you deserved that. Listen to your doctor maybe?

YDI why wouldn't you listen to your doctor... I'm a paramedic and let me tell you I have been on many calls where dumb kids mix alcohol with pain meds and end up either dying or in the hospital because mixing the two can cause heart problems and respiratory problems.

Betrys 7

I think you got lucky that's all that happened. They warn you about it cause it could kill you.

You're an idiot, I've had to take pain medication for three years and can manage JUST fine without alcohol

I think your doctor probably told you that to prevent you from DYING... but what do I know? clearly you're a genius.

It's because pain killers are designed to account for your liver processing them. If your liver if busy processing alcohol, it can't really process the narcotics in your system. Don't try this with blood thinners, OP.

Why wouldn't you listen anyway? This is someone of the medical profession who you just ignored, giving you advice on medicine. Would you ignore a fruit vender if he told you not to shove grapefruits up your arse, and get drunk and do it anyway?

thegreycat_fml 12

One: Why? Two: You could have killed yourself. Three: You deserved it. Four: Next time a medical professional tells you something, listen.