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By Anonymous - 30/04/2017 12:00

Today, after two months of being teased by my friends for getting wasted and passing out from only one shot, I learned that I wasn't actually too weak to handle the alcohol. My "friends" had secretly laced my drink with sleeping pills. They're now teasing me for believing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 492
You deserved it 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I would cut off all contact with them. If they're scummy enough to rookie you and take advantage of quite possibly nearly overdosing you to amuse themselves, there's nothing stopping them from doing worse.

Hell no. If they admitted this in text save the conversation. You could probably press charges or at least threaten to. They already have zero respect for you so have no worries looking like a loser or a snitch to them because their opinions are nothing.


Yeah, I would cut off all contact with them. If they're scummy enough to rookie you and take advantage of quite possibly nearly overdosing you to amuse themselves, there's nothing stopping them from doing worse.

Hell no. If they admitted this in text save the conversation. You could probably press charges or at least threaten to. They already have zero respect for you so have no worries looking like a loser or a snitch to them because their opinions are nothing.

I think you need new friends, because that is very bad to do to a person. You could have ended up in the hospital or worse!!

ProperPengTing 15

Time to cut them ALL off and set up boundaries for yourself, asap!

species4872 19

You'll grow out of this crap, Your friends... probably not.

Lace their drinks with powerful laxatives. Perfect revenge. Then just cut of ties since they seem like... shitty friends.

challenge them to a neat vodka contest, but bribe the waiter to give you water. film it all and enjoy the payback.

how incredibly irresponsible of them. I'm assuming that they didn't know that mixing alcohol and sleeping pills can kill you. if they did, what dicks and you need new friends, if not, they probably need to go back to health class and pay attention this time.

nuckinfutz54 3

sounds like you need new "friends." friends don't drug friends.

this is why you should always watch your drink and never drink anything that was not sealed.

mermaidgirle 12

Agreed, but OP thought they could trust their friends. This could have been a home party too. OP gets no blame here based on the story provided. Those are just dick friends.