By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 630
You deserved it 34 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kenman884 2

Purity rings simultaneously make me lol and lose faith in humanity.

beer01 0
Erindub 0

Purity really? Who does that?! Sex is natural...hell I just had it 8 times in the last 15 hours with my boyfriend : )

transcedental 18

meh those 'oath rings' are so weird.. why would you do something that silly.. you should do whatever you want whenever you want.. apparently you've trusted someone enough to have sex with him (or not xD) When it comes to sex, if you are really in love with the guy, and you respect him, and trust him, why the hell not.. when I was little I thought that I'd lose my virginity when I am like.. around .. 19/20. But that's not that healthy these days. Why? Because girls who wait too long wouldn't get that much of a pleasure.. if they do - thumbs up, but imo the more experience - the better pleasure :) And I am not saying to start screwing around when you're 12 ~_~ or 14>... meh, whatever, I am too serious xD anyyyway ^^```` OP, don't worry, **** the ring, and do what you want ;)

transcedental 18

yeah, i see your point, so thanks, i know it may sound illogical for you but i don't live in your world, so.. I guess what matters is that it makes sense to me thanks for the response, after all we are all looking at the world by a different angle ^^ p.s. i don't know whether she trusted him or not, that's why i said "maybe xD" all the best

I've always wondered... do purity rings actually say "purity" or "abstinence" or anything like that on them?

sami1994 0

no not always they can but mine is a silver band with a small blue aquamarine gem heart =] no one actually has to know it's a purity ring..... it's a promise you make to yourself and God =]

well so fyl for losing both but at least u found one!!!!!!! so was it any good?????