By hopelesscollegechick - 07/05/2013 18:14 - United States - Alexander City

Today, I gave a presentation about how teachers don't intervene enough when students are being bullied. Afterwards, I was practically bullied by my teacher for "not choosing a serious topic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 084
You deserved it 6 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puppyXluvz123 9

That just shows what our world has come to...

You could use your teacher as an example of "Unfair Criticism" instead


xcam1995 6

Haters will be haters. Ask him if he wants some lunch money.

klovemachine 24

I think the teacher needs to be smacked around a little bit. Maybe even flogged :O

perdix 29

Sounds like you really made an impression on the teacher and made her intervene in a bullying incident. You should have made it more clear that teachers should STOP the bullies, not BE the bullies!

Pilkipedia 8

And he bit the recess ladies breast, oh how could I forget. Hit me with a surprise left...

Shortay123 14

The irony of this story is so tangible it's almost excruciating.

rmjohnspn521 4

You should have asked him "Is your homosexuality a serious topic?"

MindFreakazoid 10

Seriously? It's 2013 and people still think it's ok to mock homosexuality and make gay jokes at other people's expense? >_>

flockz 19

hey i think you're lost. Youtube is around the corner.

making fun of homosexuals is kinda fun.

You should've totally made an example out of him. you had nothing to lose there I reckon

olpally 32

Should have said this back to him... "Well, would you like to talk about douchebags, asshole?"

olpally 32

Thanks for pointing that out... Thumb it down, thanks for reading.

next topic, how students don't intervene when teachers bully kids

I don't think your professor meant "serious" in the way you took it. I think your professor meant that you had chosen a topic upon which there isn't really any serious debate. Your professor is trying to get you to choose something to talk about which has more than one side and there's no immediately clear "right" answer. That way your supporting argument really feels like you're presenting hard evidence to make a case and convince your listeners. You chose a softball target and knocked it out of the park easily. It's just too easy to get people to agree with your side (the other side is indefensible). Pick a better topic next time and rise to the challenge. Your instructor isn't "bullying" you, but rather trying to get you to do better because he/she is confident that you can.

leogachi 15

That's just an assumption. I know plenty of assholes who actually try to defend bullying because they ARE the bullies. I think only OP can accurately guess what the professor meant because she is the only one who was there.

doglover100 28

There are those who say that bullying is a childhood stage that everyone goes through. That is just BS