By hopelesscollegechick - 07/05/2013 18:14 - United States - Alexander City

Today, I gave a presentation about how teachers don't intervene enough when students are being bullied. Afterwards, I was practically bullied by my teacher for "not choosing a serious topic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 084
You deserved it 6 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puppyXluvz123 9

That just shows what our world has come to...

You could use your teacher as an example of "Unfair Criticism" instead


that is actually a serious issue. well they think you need to learn to deal with it for yourself, then ******* teach us!

I know it's been awhile since I was in school, but I remember some teachers and even a principal cleat being part of the problem. It's a shame.

caysters 12

Elementary school, it wasnt until my parents threatened them with legal actions that they actually got my bullying to stop. Death threats written on the bathroom wall. Who the hell does that in 5th grade?!?!

Can I have your teachers name and address so I can send her a dead rat

carminecris89 13

For a college student it really isn't a good topic. Your teacher has a point. Part of being in college is learning to deal with the fact that some teachers will be shitty and pick on you. It's also not the brightest move to base your topic on the failings of teachers. Out of everything you could possibly pick you picked a topic that is not only juvenile for college level work, but insults some teachers. If you were going to still choose that topic you could have broadened it a bit because a lot of people ignore it, not just teachers. You were asking for it.

Your teachers an idiot. Bullying is a serious topic.

Well done for being brave, and confronting a difficult topic. It's so easy to avoid discussing these things, and it's really heartening to hear of someone promoting awareness.

It's quite simple. Your teacher is a moron.