By neveragain - 16/03/2012 05:11 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By nobrows - 06/04/2012 17:11 - United States - Malvern
By Rye - 19/02/2009 03:51 - United States
Curled out
By lashless - 22/05/2010 20:32 - United States
Stressed out
By Jocelyn - 18/02/2019 12:00
By Anonymous - 17/10/2013 16:12 - United States - San Francisco
**** my shit up
By Anonymous - 11/03/2023 16:00 - Canada
Sort yourself out
By lukey101 - 31/08/2023 00:00 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 04/09/2019 14:00
By badhairday - 26/12/2010 01:38 - United States
Easy peasy
By KATY - 10/08/2024 03:00 - United States - Las Vegas
Top comments
A spoon is what you're supposed to use when you don't have a eyelash curler.... Are you insane for willing o use scissors???
Scissors near your eyes is NEVER a good idea! YDI.
Wow, that is stupid. Who needs eye lash curlers, anyways? It looks like a weird torture device, and I really can't see the difference between someone who used it and didn't. But thanks for making me laugh at this stupidity - imagining someone with one side with no eye lashes is really funny!
I'm sorry, but ydi. You actually let her do it to you so I really don't feel bad for you.
* also, if you want to make your eyelashes look awesome without curling (or cutting...) just put a TINY bit of mascara on, let it dry for 5 seconds, then take a (always dry) eyelash brush and comb them upward until there are no clumps. This works so well, and it look really natural. But I also think that everyone looks awesome, even without makeup. Don't feel pressured by society to wear makeup!! :)
YDI for letting her anywhere near your eyes with a pair of scissors!
Next time, just forego the eyelash curling and use some mascara.
That's really YOUR fault for letting her try that. You should've made her try it on her own eyelashes first.