By neveragain - 16/03/2012 05:11 - Canada

Today, I gave in and let my friend give me a makeover. She couldn't find my eyelash curler, but decided that if she used scissors lightly, it would work just the same. Needless to say, it did not work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 488
You deserved it 30 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, just forego the eyelash curling and use some mascara.

That's really YOUR fault for letting her try that. You should've made her try it on her own eyelashes first.


redhedsaysrawr 18

Idiot... should have used the back of a spoon, and pressed it against your eyelashes, it works surprisingly well! Cant believe you actually let someone near your eyelashes with SCISSORS! Good luck with fake eyelashes, cuz those don't grow back...

crazy4uboi 6

Yeah they do if they didnt nobody would have eyelashes by the time they were 5 because you loose like 3 eye lashes everyday (on average)

lmao you're the idiot who didn't see this coming...

so stupid!!! why would u let someone do that... stupid..

Bently24 6

Not your best idea. You do know it takes years for eyelashes to grow back, right?

I understand that now-a-days going to the salon is a little expensive, but why this?

...ydi for letting her put scissors anywhere near your eye.

its called you take your finger and press your lashes to your eyelid. not scissors. id cut hers in her sleep. make it even.

I dont understand how she took scissors to you face without your protest

BunBunBabe 8

You are both dumb. Sorry just being honest.