By neveragain - 16/03/2012 05:11 - Canada

Today, I gave in and let my friend give me a makeover. She couldn't find my eyelash curler, but decided that if she used scissors lightly, it would work just the same. Needless to say, it did not work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 488
You deserved it 30 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, just forego the eyelash curling and use some mascara.

That's really YOUR fault for letting her try that. You should've made her try it on her own eyelashes first.


Oh, what vanity does to people. YDI for not being okay with how you look naturally.

RedPillSucks 31

Why was this thumbed down? I totally agree with this. Why do women put up with this shit? Most guys don't even care anyway (They're looking at your boobs, which shouldn't have any hairs to curl).

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Perhaps because most women who respect themselves don't wear makeup to attract a mate, but because they just want to. Why do people wear nice clothes? Get haircuts? It's about how we feel about ourselves as human beings. Get your head out of your ass.

desireev 17

56- I swear you've got to be one of the most rational, level-headed people I've ever had the pleasure of encountering! Thank you for that comment! It's a relief to know that someone else feels the same as I do! :)

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Thank you, I appreciate that :) I'm equally relieved.

Note to self: do not trust my best friend with scissors! Or a make-over. Image if OP's best friend wanted to be a beautician, there would be a lot of people without eyelashes!

I don't think beautician is a real word.

I don't think beautician is a real word. I would say makeup artist.

tctheamazing 7

Maybe you should look words up before you go saying they're not real; of course that's a real word.

desireev 17

46- One word: DICTIONARY! For your own good, open one! Please!!!

YDI for letting her use scissors. You Should have known!

you should not have let any person with scissors, be it your best friend or grandmother, near your face. YDI for not thinking about the reality. of your situation when you allowed this to happen for any reason.

xDollyLove 3

And you thought that would work too, since you let her try it?

thiscrazything 1

Scissors, friend, makeover is never a good combination.

Friend: Sorry about your eyelashes. But let's move on to your hair. I don't have any hair colouring, so I'll just use this toilet cleaner with bleach. OP: Ok! Friend: And then I'll do your makeup. eye shadow, so I'll just use this acrylic paint. OP: Ok! Friend: No mascara...I'll just use this super glue. OP: Ok! Dumbass.

And you LET her? This has YDI written all over it.

YDI for letting her get close to your eyelashes with scissors! :D

YDI for not stopping her when she pulled out the scissors.