By festival virgin - 29/05/2013 19:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I gave my boyfriend our festival tickets to keep hold of while I excitedly went home to get ready. He took someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 456
You deserved it 5 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a scumbag if I ever saw one. Just throw him away already.

ShadowAirplane 9

tell him want reimbursement for the tickets.


Not worth you time...get someone who will treat you right...

You should of just showed up with another guy to the festival and show him up

You do mean, "ex boyfriend who owes you money for festival tickets" don't you? He's a jerk. Throw him back and keep fishing.

Call the festival and tell them your tickets were stolen, that would teach that bastard a lesson

I doubt they'd care, they'd probably say she should have held on to them, it's her responsibility not to lose her tickets. I've never been to a festival but that's what I've been told every time I've bought concert tickets- if you lose them, it's your problem.

Get him to pay for your overly expensive date with some other guy. Problem solved :D

pwnman 33

19 - It's common sense. Who just gives someone tickets, and walks away? OP, your boyfriend needs to be your ex-boyfriend. He cheated on you, too.

Take a new date to the festival and dump that guy like yesterday's trash.