By festival virgin - 29/05/2013 19:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I gave my boyfriend our festival tickets to keep hold of while I excitedly went home to get ready. He took someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 456
You deserved it 5 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a scumbag if I ever saw one. Just throw him away already.

ShadowAirplane 9

tell him want reimbursement for the tickets.


It's a good thing it happened, now you can get a real man and not be shackled with a guy who will abandon your children.

Your boyfriend is a fucknut too, what's with the shitty boyfriends on FML today??

avapaige1234 19

Nah, he's just probably too stupid to know that it's for the two of you. What a moron, anyways

What a waste. Sounds like he won't be getting nice things anymore.