By LD619 - 16/12/2010 05:51 - United States

Today, I gave my ex-girlfriend two concert tickets to show her I still care about her and want to win her back. She sold them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 592
You deserved it 44 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you still care for her then ask her to the concert instead of buying her to tickets, she might not have the same feelings as you do. So YDI

you deserve it for not getting over her. get a life and move on bro. she obviously doesn't want anything to do with you...


you should've got her something more special or you should've expressed your feeling to her in words then she would've noticed &' take it into consideration but stupid tickets dont mean shit.

hharwood21 4

what's done is done. dont keep pushing it. I would have done the same thing.

MoroseMoose 47

You totally deserved it. Time to move on.

Shay_Shay97 23

Listen, buddy, sometimes ya just gotta learn to let go. Find someone better, go in a date, jerk off, or whatever.