By LD619 - 16/12/2010 05:51 - United States

Today, I gave my ex-girlfriend two concert tickets to show her I still care about her and want to win her back. She sold them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 592
You deserved it 44 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you still care for her then ask her to the concert instead of buying her to tickets, she might not have the same feelings as you do. So YDI

you deserve it for not getting over her. get a life and move on bro. she obviously doesn't want anything to do with you...


Should have used those tickets to go with a bro to pick up and bang some slam pieces

fakEwOrLD 0

Your stupid! No not being harsh..letting you know the truth. If you are trying get back with her wouldn't it make more sense to invite her with you instead of giving her the tickets and having her go with someone else or in your case sell them ydi...get a hint MOVE ON!!!

that sucks man I know how hard it is to try and win your ex-girlfriend back I have bin trying to get my ex back 2 good luck man

don't you remember the friends episode? "I have an extra ticket, an extra ticket!"

you bought 2 tickets? even if she didn't sell them what make you think she'd have taken you? you're a tool and YDI

GotALife 11

Well it must be a very terrible show then, let me give a pointer give her something she'll like. Okay?

She could have refused them, but the fact that she took them and sold them? Cold hearted bitch. At least the guy did something to express his feelings for her, even if the way he did it was somewhat materialistic and shallow. Too bad assholes outnumber the gentlemen these days.

MoroseMoose 47

I agree. It was totally a YDI but she's an unusually terrible person.

crimson_alize 2

wait! you bought her TWO TICKETS? Wtf r thinking, if shes ur ex, u hav no business getting her one! never the less to. No offense, i feel bad for u n all , bt YDI

Next time don't get her Jonas Brother tickets ...